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Tournament Rules

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  1. Each team will consist of two (2) fishing contestants.  Only two (2) contestants can be fishing at any given time.  Contestants can call on their insurance guide or alternate at any time, but one contestant will be excluded and returned to town or their vehicle.

  2. Only one member of a team may be a professional full-time or part-time fresh or saltwater fly-fishing guide or captain. A professional is defined as anyone who, within the last 2 years, has received income for services performed as a guide or captain.

  3. If an owner/manager of any beat is fishing in the tournament that person shall NOT be able to fish their own waters.  If during the drawing they draw their own beat their number shall be held out and they will redraw and their beat will go back into the drawing.



  1. Contestants will furnish their own fly-fishing equipment. Each contestant may possess up to two (2) rods while fishing in competition.

  2. Type of rod and reel is the choice of each angler.

  3. No real or artificial fish attractants, such as scents, are allowed.

  4. All competition fishing will be with flies only and all rigs will consist of no more than three (3) single, barbless hooks.



  1. Any conventional pattern (dry, wet, nymph, streamer, etc.) may be used.

  2. Flies must be tied on a single hook. Articulated flies with two (2) hooks are allowed but both hooks count against the three (3) hook maximum per rig limit.

  3. The guide must approve the contestant’s fly selections before 9:00 am. The guide’s judgment regarding the legality of the fly, and barbless nature, are considered final.



  1. Each fisherman must show proof of a valid Wyoming Fishing License before taking part in the tournament.

  2. Federal and State rules and regulations governing the waters to be shed will be strictly observed.

  3. VIOLATION OF WGF REGULATIONS: All contestants must abide by all Wyoming Game and Fish regulations concerning fishing, aquatic invasive species, and boating. Any participant found to violate any Game and Fish regulation, will be disqualified.

  4. Contestants will not use any fishing method other than fishing with a fly rod and flies.  Tenkara is allowed but only with flies.  No lures, bait, or other methods of fishing such as spin casting or bait fishing are allowed.

  5. All main river channels are fishable.

  6. All trout species will be counted in the scoring. No white fish will be counted.

  7. Start and end times for each day's fishing vary with conditions and will be announced at the Meet & Greet on Thursday evening.

  8. Only Fishing For The Fight assigned beats are approved and will count towards scoring in the tournament.

  9. Contestant’s assigned fishing venues and guides shall not be altered, unless specifically approved in advance by the Rules Committee, any variance from these assignments will disqualify the contestant from that day’s fishing.

  10. With the permission of the fisherman who has a fish “on the line,” guides or teammates may assist in landing any fish to be scored in the event.

  11. Daily scoring ends for all contestants at the times described in Item 7 under Fishing Procedure above.



Fishing For The Fight has adjusted its scoring procedures to reduce the handling of our native/natural trout.

  1. To be counted in the score, the guide, or angler in the presence of the guide, must touch the trout. Each trout will have a value of two points.

  2. Each TEAM will be allowed to select ten (10) trout to measure during the day. Eight (8) of these fish will have a bonus score. All trout not selected for measurement will be released immediately, preferably without removing them from the water.

  3. Measurement of trout shall be done by the Guide while the trout is in the water whenever possible. Guides will measure ALL Fish with provided trough.  Fish are to be measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the relaxed tail, head first in the trough. The tail of the trout should not be pinched. All trout will be measured to the nearest 1/4 inch, NO rounding up, to ensure accurate measurements for the biggest fish competition. By signing the scorecard, the contestant understands that this represents only their unofficial scoring tally. The scoring committee will make final scores and resolve any scoring disputes and assign the final scores.

  4. Each of the EIGHT fish for bonus scoring by a contestant will be scored as follows:



Group A: Browns, Rainbows, Cutbows, & Tiger Trout:​

  • 16″– 2 points + 60 points

  • 17″– 2 points + 80 points

  • 18″– 2 points + 100 points

  • 19″– 2 points + 125 points

  • 20″– 2 points + 150 points

  • 21″– 2 points + 175 points

  • 22″– 2 points + 200 points

  • Each additional inch after 22" adds 50 points


Group B: Cutthroats & Brookies:

  • 12″– 2 points + 60 points

  • 13″– 2 points + 80 points

  • 14″– 2 points + 100 points

  • 15″– 2 points + 125 points

  • 16″– 2 points + 150 points

  • 17″– 2 points + 175 points

  • 18″– 2 points + 200 points

  • Each additional inch after 18" adds 50 points



If tournament total number of trout landed exceeds 29 fish:

add 50 bonus points per ten fish caught (ex: 30 Fish caught= bonus of 50pts,  59 fish caught = total bonus of 150pts)  You always get 2 points per fish no matter the bonus level

  • First Fish (overall winner) add 100 bonus points

  • Most Fish (overall winner) add 100 bonus points

  • Biggest Fish (overall winner) add 100 bonus points



“PENALTY” Total inch value of fish killed will be total length value and an additional 100 pt subtraction will be subtracted from the angler’s score. Example:  (16” fish would be -162 pts)


“FIRST FISH” means, literally first fish of the competition, day 2 does not count.


“MOST” means total for both days


“BIGGEST” means the largest fish (by length) over the total tournament.



The Rules committee will consist of 3 members designated by the FFF ambassadors and will be the final say of the individual and team winners.  There will be awards given for, “FIRST” “MOST” and “BIGGEST.”  The winning team will be the team with the most accumulated points. Their names will be permanently engraved on the FFF tournament trophy which will be proudly displayed by our tournament HOST for the subsequent year.


These rules are subject to change and modification as directed by the FFF and Rules Committee.

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